MH370 Long-Due Questions

I have several burning questions which I just cannot understand how they have not been addressed yet: 1) What is the standard procedure for disaster control in an air crisis situation? Who are…

How to vote in the Kajang By-election

Malaysian-Indians, air your discontent in the Kajang by-election. Write “Indian Protest Vote” or “Undi Bantahan India” on the Ballot Paper. Give it a shot. Suguman Narayanan Ph.D. How Has…

PKR patut terima kritikan kami

CINA KAMPUNG BARU Yang Mulia Raja Petra, Seorang rakan yang saya kenali sewaktu sama-sama aktif dalam sebuah NGO sebelum PRU13 pernah menjadi pembantu dan juga PACA kepada seorang MP dari…

In response to Daim

Salleh Said Keruak Deputy Umno Chief Sabah Tun Daim Zainuddin’s interview as reported by Malaysiakini and The Malaysian Insider makes interesting reading (SEE LINKS BELOW). I would like to…

When DAP is not bersih

Salleh Said Keruak Deputy Umno Chief Sabah The brouhaha regarding the so-called fraud in the May 2013 general election still rings in our ears. Barisan Nasional is not the legitimate…

Better Late Than Never

My solution to counter this disparity is quite simple in theory but will surely require the support of the entire community. It does not matter who is in power now or who aspires to be…

Are we heading for Emergency Rule?

Is that why no action is taken against these trouble-makers who whip up ethno-religious sentiment – because unrest is necessary for emergency rule, wonders P Ramakrishnan. It was reminiscent of…

Dear Anwar Ibrahim…

You have done a lot politically but little or nothing productively, the writer tells Anwar in an open letter By Medecci Lineil, FMT Let me declare something here. First of all. I am very…

“The Kajang Move”

Visnu Natesan The ‘Kajang Move’ as part of PKR’s holistic strategy has invited criticism from all walks of life. Opposition supporters have voiced their dissatisfaction over the move. PKR…

Teresa Kok is being hypocritical

FMT LETTER: From Huan Cheng Guan, via e-mail As a MP for Seputeh, Teresa Kok must realise that as an elected leader, she has the responsibility of upholding values and ethics that sow the seeds…

An Open Letter to Anwar Ibrahim

FMT LETTER: From A Kajang voter, via e-mail I have followed the Kajang Saga, and your part in it, with a heavy dose of mixed feelings. You have consistently made the point that your move is…

Let’s be a civil, civil society

FMT LETTER: From Kevin Fernandez, via e-mail Recently, we observed many civil society members going at length to defend answer Anwar’s decision to contest the Kajang state seat after Lee Chin…

Of betrayals and treasonous conduct

FMT LETTER: From Dominic Damian, via e-mail We are mired in discussions, opinions and accusations with regard to the Kajang episode and  the cream of the political intelligence, NGOs, lawyers,…

Sandiwara Anwar

Tidak ramai mengetahui sebelum Anwar campur tangan untuk menyelesaikan konflik tersebut, beliau terlebih dahulu menyemak rekod-rekod kesemua Adun PKR dan secara kebetulan mendapati bekas Adun Kajang…