A botched shot?

The political scandal in Sabah in which a businessman secretly filmed assemblymen discussing projects and monies is a game not to expose corruption but to grab power. Philip Golingai, Asia News…

The Great Foreign Worker Quota Scam

Its beyond incredible that a few intrepid reporters from Malaysiakini have been able to do what the entire machinery of government has been incapable of doing – uncover one of the most egregious…

Now the battle shifts to east Malaysia

In 2025 and 2026, the most important battle that will engross the minds of Malaysians, is the battle for the fate of the federation that Anwar and PH will be engaged with the parties of Sabah and…

Ke Mana Perginya Duit Zakat?

(MH) : For decades, ZAKAT collection and spending has been very opaque due to almost complete lack of transparency and accountability. Many people who are in need of assistance are often denied any…

The problem with Najib’s apology

From foreign agencies to prominent local personalities to his own bank account, there were just too many things pointing to the fact that all is rotten in the state of Denmark for years, for Najib…