The dark horse of Kuala Terengganu

I will support PAS in Kuala Terengganu as a show of good faith and to demonstrate that we have bigger fish to fry. Then I am going to grab PAS by the balls and kick their arse like there is no…

Malaysia’s 2008 memorable quotes

Politics are always full of wonders and surprises. Malaysia's politics in 2008 have been like a roller coaster ride from year start till year end. One of the most interesting experience I…

IJN privatisation

I read with great interest regarding plans to privatize the National Heart Institute announced recently . As a former heart patient , who had surgery performed in Penang Hospital Heart…

Retrench wayward politicians

The new year has rolled in. The partying is behind us now. Meanwhile the harsh reality of a world in dire state is yet to dawn upon all Malaysians who have been led to believe that the tide is far off…

An Open Letter to Kapar MP

My dear Kapar MP, I'm a voter in a Kapar although I live and work in Kedah, but during the March 08 elections, I drove all the way from Alor Star and not only voted for you but convinced

ISA Stays Despite Strong Protests

On the controversy over the ISA, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said the government had no plans to review the act as it was still relevant in the present day context as countries…

Malaysia’s Funniest Man 2008

Malaysian Insider proclaims Mahathir Mohamad as Malaysian of the Year 2008. ARTiculations... hereby proclaim him as Malaysia’s Funniest Man 2008.And the award goes to...Mahathir Mohammad.

Tiada ahli India tinggalkan PKR

(Malaysiakini) - Tidak ada tindakan pemimpin-pemimpin India keluar PKR susulan tidak berpuas hati terhadap parti itu dan terpengaruh dengan isu ahli parlimen Kapar, S Manikavasagam, kata timbalan…

Japan acts to raise fluency in English

TOKYO, Jan 2 — The Japanese government has set an ambitious goal of making the Japanese fluent in English, by recommending that all English classes for those aged 16 to 18 are taught mainly in…

The future of Hindraf

By Tricia Yeoh The Nut Graph<!-- Printer Friendly Format -->MORE than one year after Hindraf supporters stormed the streets of Kuala Lumpur, the question remains: has the plight of Indian…

A better 2009

By Jacqueline Ann Surin in The Nut GraphOVER the Christmas break, I read Will Bowen's A Complaint Free World. Bowen, a minister based in Kansas City, Missouri has a simple but profound message:…

Najib’s big challenge

While Najib is unopposed as party president, there is some speculation as to whether he could be prevented from becoming the Prime Minister. By convention, he should, but under Malaysia's law,…

Finally, Pas chooses Syed Azman for KT

By Adib Zalkapli (The Malaysian Insider)KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 1 — After weeks of deliberation, Pas has decided on Dr Syed Azman Nawawi as its candidate for the crucial Kuala Terengganu by-election…