When ignorance is your guide

Oh, and don’t scream too much about those who are being denied entry into Sabah and Sarawak. Back in the 1960s and 1970s, Singapore, too, used to do the same thing. Those with long hair were not…

Stop talking in riddles

I am so clear that it can sometimes hurt. If I think that religion is nonsense I will say that religion is nonsense. And if I want you to shove your so-called holy book up your you know where I…

What change?

And this is why I must whack both the government and the opposition because both sides are equally disrespectful about civil liberties. I don’t care who gets to form the government. That is not my…

Beyond the Allah word

This is a family squabble. Two siblings are quarrelling over who is right and who is wrong. Two siblings are fighting over the right to be the true religion. The non-Christians and non-Muslims who…

The evil of religion

The believers and followers of the Abrahamic faiths worship and pray to this God that allows slavery. The believers and followers of the Abrahamic faiths worship and pray to this God that allows…

Sunday Bible studies: Noah

And that is my Sunday sermon for today because I do not wish to talk about the missing flight MH370 that every man and his dog are talking about -- which is just creating the utmost confusion as…

Blame the Judeo-Christians

“Moreover, the disqualification of Anwar Ibrahim was on the basis of a charge for an archaic colonial offence under the Penal Code, which is contrary to international human rights standards, and…

How Pompey screwed the world

Is it not ironical that one tactical blunder by Pompey 2,077 years ago has caused so much problems for the world? Pompey made his move on the troublesome Jews but he went only halfway. He did not…

To the next level: liberty

Of course, Article 153 in the Federal Constitution would also need to be removed, as would the NEP, the quota system, preferential treatment for the Malays and Bumiputeras of East Malaysia, and so…

How the religious suffer

They lie, they cheat, they dominate, they discriminate, they persecute, they are intolerant, they are superstitious, they are self-centred, they are self-righteous, they look down on those not of…


Happiness. That is what it is all about. And that is why we tolerate governments although governments are a nuisance and normally tend to interfere in our lives and tell us what we can and cannot…

Picking what to say

It is such a simple question. Can or not the Christians use Allah in the Malay Bible? Yes or no? What is Anwar’s stand? Not the opinion of unnamed and probably non-existent scholars in some…

Have faith in faith

Christians would believe that Jesus died on the cross and got resurrected. Muslims would believe that Muhammad flew up to heaven to meet God. And Pakatan Rakyat supporters would believe that Anwar…

For those not yet born in 1987

Maybe one day Anwar can also apologise for the multi-billion Forex losses, the privatisation of government services to Umno cronies, many who were his cronies, the erosion of the English language…

No can do

The ‘isu kafir-mengkafir’ (as it was called then) started back in the late 1970s when Anwar was heading ABIM and heightened in the 1980s soon after Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad took over as Prime…

Only Malays are racists

The Chinese and Indians are not racists. The Chinese and Indians are just fighting for their rights and interests. Sure, and if the Malays also fight for their rights and interests, the Malays are…

My response to Ng Kee Seng

Pakatan Rakyat controls 44 of the 56 seats in the Selangor State Assembly (Kajang included). You need only a simple majority or 29 votes. Hence 44 votes are way in excess of what you need. Just…

When it is not well researched

But that is just it. That is not an Islamic law or Sharia law. That is a civil law. And while Islamic or Sharia law would only apply to Muslims, civil law applies to everyone, non-Muslims…

So you think you know democracy

And that, Jacqueline Ann Surin, is my response to your lament regarding whether Malaysia is still a democratic country if Christians are not allowed to use the Allah word (not that I think…

Why prices increase

Everything has a history. Even inflation has a history. So maybe you can read the very brief history of inflation in the extracts below and familiarise yourself with the subject before you engage…

Just emphasising a point

When I first came to the UK in 2009 I admit I was rather shocked when on BBC TV or Sky TV they would freely allow comments such as ‘Jesus Forking Christ’. I told my wife, “What the hell! Is that…

Where was Ibrahim Ali this year?

What I would like to know is how many of those who whacked Ibrahim Ali for throwing a party at the old folks’ home visited the residents of the old folks’ home over Chinese New Year? NO HOLDS…

The Malaysian presidential elections

Although Malaysia’s political system is still based on the British Westminster system, Malaysia’s general elections, however, has transformed into the US Presidential election system, although…