Am I a maverick?

In that sense, the religionists and politicians are all the same. They expect you to agree with them and if you do not then you are the enemy. If you are a Catholic you must agree with Rome. If you…

It’s a man’s world

It is time we gave real political power to women. The ‘official religion’ of Malaysia is Islam. In Islam, women are not permitted to lead (in Saudi Arabia, they are not even permitted to drive or to…

The snake oil merchant

So there you have it. That is the solution. First of all employ only Chinese police personnel -- especially opposition supporters who are squeaky clean. Don’t employ any Malays -- especially…

Melayu mudah lupa

Raja Petra KamarudinHow many of you remember KAL007. No, I am not talking about one of those James Bond movies if that is what you are thinking. Still don’t remember? I thought many of you would…