The double game the CTA is playing

Malays are united or divided by their political party. Chinese are united by their guilds and associations and do not care much about political parties. Chinese can swing from one party to another…

MCA: coward or traitor?

MCA is DAP’s running dog. But then MCA has no choice if it wants to remain relevant. There are only 45-46 seats that the Chinese can win and DAP ‘owns’ all of them. But DAP is prepared to donate 7-8…

MCA: DAP’s running dog

DAP says MCA is Umno’s running dog. Actually MCA is DAP’s running dog. MCA is so scared of DAP that they are serving DAP’s political agenda to make sure that they do not upset the Chinese voters.…

The Bersih 5.0 tactical blunder

Bersih 5.0 yesterday was a disaster. They should not have organised the rally unless they were sure of the crowd because this is going to be the final rally before the next general election. They…

When Bersih turned Bershit

Mahathir has what is called the reverse Midas touch. Anything that Midas touches turns to gold. Anything that Mahathir touches, however, turns to shit. And Shahnon said this well in his book,…