Rallying the Malay ground

Umno is at its most stable in years after a successful party election but it is taking nothing for granted as it prepares to dominate the new political landscape and win the young Malay vote.Joceline…

‘Fighting PAS is a jihad’

 (Fz) - Kelantan Umno declared that their quarrel with PAS for all these years was not due to reasons such as hate, revenge or over colours but it was all in the name of jihad, a religious duty of…

The Islamic taxation system

 PAS being a party that is supposed to champion the religion of Islam should take the initiative to revamp the Islamic taxation system in the country. They can initially implement the system in the 3…

Land Of The Savages

 To a contractor's bulldozer operator, a candi in the Bujang Valley is a pile of rocks. Rocks are rocks. He was there to do a day's honest work to remove the rocks.  Yussof Condred

To Gelak or Cry?

 Party members attend Umno’s annual assembly were told, “Malay millionaires are important because Malays are Muslims. When Malays are rich, Islam would be defended. If Malays are poor, Islam would be…

Anwar, the Lone Ranger?

 If the Malays from PAS and Umno coalesce via the Islamic binding factor, why then should the Malays in Pakatan be left out to suffer and not enjoy the various sweetened pies? Narinder Singh, FMT 

Pakatan looks jaded and tired

 Selena Tay, FMT At this point in time, Barisan Nasional seems to be gaining momentum while Pakatan Rakyat seems to be pushed into a corner. One thing for sure is that Pakatan must put some semblance…

I am sorry you are stupid

Kucing kurap is akin to a mangy dog. It means an animal that suffers from chronic skin disease, sleeps on the streets and in back alleys, and eats out of drains and dustbins -- basically an animal…

Have you ever met Satan?

Hence, in short, Satan was a later-day belief of deviationist teachings that early practitioners of the Abrahamic faith rejected as nonsense. And now KTemoc Konsiders may be sent to jail for posting a…

An old issue revisited

So the Malays are not really as religious as most people may think. And if they vote for PAS (or Pakatan Rakyat) it is not because they love Islam but because they hate Umno (or Barisan Nasional). And…

So, were we right or were we right?

And is that not what is happening today with the many issues hitting PKR, DAP and PAS, plus Pakatan Rakyat? Just read the news and see what I mean. All hell is breaking loose. And back in 2010 we said…

Belief is shaped by doctrine

Hmm…that may be the problem after all. Malaysians are still running the 1955 Version 1.0 operating system (when Blacks or African Americans in the US had to sit at the back of the white bus) and we…

Let’s debate

That is incorrect. Politics is marketing. You market your party or your candidate just like you would your company or your product. Hence you need to position your party or candidate just like you…

The politics of positioning

Thus far, Pakatan Rakyat has been able to get away with being evasive regarding various positions. We agree to disagree. We will only act based on consensus. We will sort it out once we get into…

Raising the ante somewhat

Okay, allow me to go back to the matter of the 3Rs, which is actually what I want to talk about in my normal cheong hei fashion. The 3R issue will still be with us whether Barisan Nasional or Pakatan…