Anwar’s dilemma

Is it time for Anwar Ibrahim to retire gracefully from politics? Without him, can Pakatan take on Umno in the next GE? CT Ali, Free Malaysia Today A few months to make or break a political…

Oh! Malaysia

Natesan Vishu What have we done to suffer being a Malaysian? It does not matter if you are Malay, Chinese, Indian, Iban, Kadazan, Orang Asli or Penan, the reality is all of are suffering from…

If it’s just about money

I do not understand why you are blaming the Rulers for the cost when it not the Rulers but the state governments that decide how much to spend. Let Anwar Ibrahim, the economic adviser to the…

Alas! We did it again!

According to the latest study by Global Financial Integrity (GFI), RM173.8 billion was siphoned out of the country in 2011, making Malaysia the fourth largest exporter of illicit capital that year…

The assault on academic freedom

Public universities should not be a place just to obtain good grades. They should be a place where diverse ideas are celebrated, and intellectual independence and autonomy admired. Khoo Ying Hooi…

Is it necessary to demonize the Shiites?

I have to admit that I might not have enough knowledge to scholarly conclude whether Shiites are Muslims, pseudo-Muslims or outrightkafirs. However, is it necessary to go all out, guns blazing,…

Evaporating euphoria

PAS has been stirred and shaken over the Home Ministry’s allegations that its deputy president Mohamad Sabu has Syiah links. On Thursday, the Home Ministry released a 10-point statement…

Where my loyalties lie

If I were asked to choose between Pakatan Rakyat and Barisan Nasional I have no problems making that choice. If I were asked to choose between a Secular State and an Islamic State I have no…

The Islamic race

And this is what is going to determine the outcome of the next general election. The Malay vote is going to decide the government. And Malay here means Islam, both culturally and constitutionally.…

Syariah laws for our nation?

How can we ask non-Muslims to accept our sacred laws so that they can abuse it to escape capital punishment, asks the writer in his usual satirical nature.  Iskandar Dzulkarnain, FMT Going by the…


And, once this happens, all Malaysians will know that Anwar Ibrahim pulled off the biggest con in Malaysian history and that there are no 40,000 Bangladeshi voters or power failures/blackouts during…

We are all terrorists

The IGP says that the Shia movement is a terrorist movement. Actually, all religions are terrorist movements without exception. Religion makes us scared. Religion is the doctrine of fear. We believe…

Can Pakatan win GE14?

Pakatan must realise that Umno is a formidable opponent with deep pockets, large armies and an uncanny ability to go into the elections with all the positives stacked in their favour. Based on this…

PR’s ‘liberal’ problem

The problem arises for liberals when citizens exercise their autonomy in a way that turns out to be hostile to autonomy itself. These rights permit citizens to develop homophobic, racist, or other…

Why blame Najib?

By equating money being illegally taken out of the country with corruption, the opposition is suggesting that by eliminating corruption this would automatically stop money from leaving Malaysia. This…

I do care about Malays

 I care about Malays and that’s why I want an open debate to discuss how to really empower the Malay community in the correct, unbigoted, and non-racialised, way. I see changes in values, educational…

Questions for Umno delegates

Azly Rahman Malaysia’s most exciting political party of the old, United Malays National Organisation (Umno) just had its general assembly. A ritual of the political blood transfusion and the…

Learning from Mandela and friends

An usher holds programs with the image of the late Nelson Mandela on the cover before a memorial service at the Riverside Church in New York December 11, 2013. — Reuters picInterestingly I got more…

Does Islam need Umno?

Transform, or be irrelevant soon, says the writer on Umno.I wouldn’t be surprised if they come up with ideas on how to include that into our birth certificates and ICs. Who is Umno and who is not.…

Pakatan’s Flood Feud

Another Brick in the Wall Few pro-opposition friends alerted us of Nelson Mandela's death. Malaysiakini titled their MySay column today as "We M'sians needs our own Nelson Mandela".