Hadi: Colonial laws still in place despite independence

PAS president Tan Sri Abdul Hadi Awang has voiced his concerns over the erosion of Islamic principles in Malaysia due to the continued enforcement of colonial-era laws, despite the nation’s attainment of independence.

(Focus Malaysia) – In a recent statement, Hadi lamented the neglect of Islamic interests in legislative amendments, citing provisions in the Federal Constitution that recognise Islam as the country’s official religion while ensuring the freedom of other religions.

Hadi reminisced about past judges such as Mohamed Salleh Abas and Harun Hashim, who demonstrated wisdom in upholding Islamic laws within the civil courts.

“We used to have wise judges like the late Mohamed Salleh Abas, and the late Harun Hashim.

“There are also those who are still alive, such as Mohamad Abdul Hamid, Ahmad Fairuz Abdul Halim and others who used their wisdom to uphold and defend Islamic laws (while presiding over civil courts),” Hadi said in a statement today.

“However, of late, we have judges whose minds are influenced by colonial thinking.”

Moreover, Hadi further called Muslims to rise and defend Islam against parties who try to divert them from the “real” religion.

“This is because the sin of insulting Islam is bigger than the sin of insulting the courts, which is minute before God,” he added.

The Marang MP did not give context to his statement.
