Tok Mat implicated in bribery and money laundering
That file has now been reopened and Tok Mat may be facing criminal charges after all. And this is the reason why Tok Mat needs to oust Ismail Sabri Yaakob and take over as the prime minister.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Back when Pakatan Harapan was the government, MACC, under Latheefa Koya, investigated Datuk Seri Utama Mohamad Hasan a.k.a. Tok Mat regarding a bribery and money laundering case.
The report was then sent to Attorney-General Tommy Thomas who marked the file NFA (no further action) and did nothing. You can read the details of that report here: LAPORAN KES TERHADAP BEKAS MENTERI BESAR NEGERI SEMBILAN.
That file has now been reopened and Tok Mat may be facing criminal charges after all. And this is the reason why Tok Mat needs to oust Ismail Sabri Yaakob and take over as the prime minister.
Once Tok Mat becomes prime minister, he can then bury that file again and mark it NFA. If not, Tok Mat will be going to jail with his teammate Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.
The property that Tok Mat bought now worth an estimated RM30 million: Flat 50, Richbourne Court 9, Harrowby Street, London, United Kingdom