Pakatan’s lies are catching up on them
Yes, Kit Siang said Najib killed Altantuya and C4 was used to blow her up. Now the police say C4 was never used and Kit Siang says he never accused Najib of Altantuya’s murder. Then they say Najib stole RM42-52 billion of 1MDB’s money but they can only charge him for stealing RM42 million of SRC’s money. Then, during the trial, we are told the RM2.6 billion DID come from the Arabs after all.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Some civil servants feel the Pakatan Harapan government should not be allowed to continue as this prevents them from getting bribes, Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said. He said some felt it was better to return the former corrupt administration as it would benefit them. “If there is no corruption, the country will be developed and return as an Asian Tiger,” said Mahathir.
The Four Asian Tigers or Asian Dragons are Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan. Malaysia was NEVER one of the Four Asian Tigers (if Malaysia was, there would be FIVE and not FOUR Asian Tigers). So how can Malaysia RETURN as an Asian Tiger when it was never one in the first place?
Furthermore, Mahathir admits that corruption is still a problem for the country even with the new Pakatan Harapan government. Yes, corruption never went away in spite of the so-called “New” Malaysia of Pakatan Harapan. It is still business as usual. (READ: Malaysia No Longer Corrupt? Apek Kit Siang Merepek!)
Lim Kit Siang now says he NEVER accused Najib Tun Razak and Rosmah Mansor of being involved in Altantuya Shaariibuu’s murder (READ HERE).
But then he did, many times (READ HERE). In fact, the entire DAP and Pakatan Harapan accused Najib and Rosmah of not only being behind Altantuya’s murder but a couple of other murders as well. And just recently Sarawak Report said Najib was involved in the murders of Altantunya Shaariibuu, Teoh Beng Hock, Hussain Najadi and Kevin Morais.
The fake photo Pakatan has been circulating
Najib’s involvement in the murders of Altantunya Shaariibuu, Teoh Beng Hock, Hussain Najadi and Kevin Morais has been DAP’s and Pakatan Harapan’s main election campaign weapon for ten years from 2008 right until 2018. I should know. I also used this weapon in the 2008 general election campaign all over Malaysia. I even signed a Statutory Declaration in June 2008 to that effect at the behest of those out to topple Najib.
One very important point is the allegation that C4 was used to blow up Altantuya. During my sedition trial, the police denied that C4 was used. This caught my lawyer, Gobind Singh Deo, by surprise. He was stunned and he asked the police officer to repeat that statement, which he did.
So, C4 was never used. But why is this not being highlighted? Why are they still spinning the lie that Altantuya was blown up with C4 when the police testified that C4 was never used?
The police say C4 was never used and Gobind Singh knows about this
Can you see how the entire story regarding Najib’s involvement in Altantuya’s murder is built on lies?
Tun Daim Zainuddin says the Malays are split five ways (READ HERE). Actually, the Malays have always been divided into Umno and PAS since 1951, which means before Merdeka in 1957. In 1988, Mahathir split Umno into two. Hence the Malays became split three ways.
In 1998, Mahathir split Umno into two again (but by then Semangat 46 had closed down and most of its leaders/members had re-joined Umno).
In 2014, Mahathir split Umno into two again.
So, as Daim said, the Malays are now split into five — Umno, PAS, PPBM, PKR, and Amanah. Actually, the Malays are now split into only four because Umno and PAS are now reunited since they first split in 1951 (PAS was an Umno splinter party). So, we now have Umno-PAS, PPBM, PKR and Amanah, only four. And the reason we have four Malay political groups is all because of Pakatan Harapan. If not, the Malays would today all be united under Umno-PAS.
It was Mahathir who split the Malays and now he goes crawling to China to sell Malaysia to them
Now the mother of all allegations, 1MDB.
Mahathir said RM42 billion of 1MDB’s money has disappeared into thin air. In fact, it could even be RM50 billion or more, said Mahathir. And Mahathir said they have the evidence to prove this so the very next day that Pakatan Harapan forms the new government they are going to arrest Najib and throw him in jail.
Okay, let us say Najib stole between RM42-52 billion of 1MDB’s money, as Mahathir alleged. And let us also say they have the evidence to prove this (which is why they dare accuse Najib or else they would have no grounds to accuse Najib of stealing RM42-52 billion of 1MDB’s money).
Is Najib facing trial for stealing RM42-52 billion of 1MDB’s money? It is now almost a year. Why is Najib not facing trial for stealing RM42-52 billion of 1MDB’s money?
Najib’s trial is not turning out well for Pakatan
Najib is facing trial for stealing RM42 million of SRC’s money, not facing trial for stealing RM42-52 billion of 1MDB’s money. Even then, in the trial, we are being told that the RM2.6 billion that Najib allegedly stole from 1MDB actually came from the Saudis and the bank knew about it. And Bank Negara Malaysia was aware of this BEFORE the money came in and approved it. Then the unused money was returned to the donor and, again, Bank Negara knew about it.
Yes, Kit Siang said Najib killed Altantuya and C4 was used to blow her up. Now the police say C4 was never used and Kit Siang says he never accused Najib of Altantuya’s murder. Then they say Najib stole RM42-52 billion of 1MDB’s money but they can only charge him for stealing RM42 million of SRC’s money. Then, during the trial, we are told the RM2.6 billion DID come from the Arabs after all.