Americk implicates Rameli & Clare in money-laundering
It is suspected they declared the RM1.4 million as costs or payment for the out-of-court settlement to facilitate transferring the money to the UK. If not they would not be able to transfer the money to the UK or obtain Bank Negara approval.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Americk is conspiring with Clare and Rameli in the crime of money-laundering and tax evasion
Lawyer Americk Sidhu has implicated Rameli Musa and Clare Rewcastle Brown in the crime of money-laundering and tax evasion.
Americk confirmed that a third party paid him RM1.4 million, which he then paid Clare. And Rafizi Ramli has identified that third party as Rameli Musa.
The out-of-court settlement between Abdul Hadi Awang and Clare specifically says there are no costs involved. Hence the RM1.4 million that Rameli paid Clare through Americk is not costs but made to look like costs.
Rameli needs to explain why he paid Clare RM1.4 million without the agreement of Hadi or PAS
It is suspected they declared the RM1.4 million as costs or payment for the out-of-court settlement to facilitate transferring the money to the UK. If not they would not be able to transfer the money to the UK or obtain Bank Negara approval.
Americk may have got Rameli and Clare into trouble. Hadi and/or PAS were not a party to the RM1.4 million payment or signed any papers/agreement to pay Clare RM1.4 million. Even though the RM1.4 million has been made to appear like an out-of-court settlement, the truth is it has nothing to do with the court case or with any out-of-court settlement.
Americk says the third party signed the RM1.4 million cheque in front of him so he personally met Rameli. And that means Americk is involved in this crime of money-laundering and tax evasion.
It would be interesting to find out how Clare declared the money with the UK government and whether she paid tax on it. If she declared the RM1.4 million as an out-of-court settlement, then this would be money-laundering and tax evasion. And Americk is involved, as is Rameli.
Clare managed to smuggle the RM1.4 million into the UK by falsely declaring the money as an out-of-court settlement with Hadi and this was assisted by lawyer Americk