Apa Yang Terancam?

Bagaimana kalau pihak gereja mula pasang loudspeaker untuk sekalian tempat dengar khutbah Ahad mereka? Ooh.. nanti aqidah kita lari. Jihad!

Engku Nasrun

Update disclaimer: “Ini tentang Perhimpunan Baju Merah September 2015. Bukan isu ICERD”

Ini hanyalah pandangan aku. Ini ruang aku.

1. Rakyat Malaysia yang non-malays dan non-muslim bumiputra mahupun non-bumiputra kebanyakannya terima dengan hati yang terbuka laungan Azan subuh yang menganggu tidur mereka. Tak pulak mereka nak buat kecoh dan marah. Bagaimana kalau pihak gereja mula pasang loudspeaker untuk sekalian tempat dengar khutbah Ahad mereka? Ooh.. nanti aqidah kita lari. Jihad!

2. Hari Jumaat, kitalah paling hebat sebab boleh parking di tepi-tepi jalan berdekatan masjid sebab nak solat Jumaat. Lalulintas terganggu dan trafik tergendala. Non-muslim terpaksa terima jer.

3. Kita nak beli rumah, ada “bumiputra discount”. Org non-bumi beli rumah xde pulak padahal diorg pun Rakyat Malaysia. Apa? hak istimewa org Melayu? Ke Apartheid?

4. Non-Malays, non-bumiputra yang cemerlang nak masuk Universiti sampai berdarah hidung, bergadai, berhutang Ah Long sebab nak bayar Uni atau kolej swasta. Kita takper sebab ada UiTM la, ada kolej mara la. Diorg pun rakyat Malaysia. Bila diorg dah grad, cukai hasil kerja diorg jugak kita makan.

5. Yang non-malays non-bumi yang mak bapak hantar ke kolej swasta tadi ada pulak yang ke luar negara, maka banyak lah pulak exposure dan banyak kenalan dapat. Bila mereka dah grad, balik ke Malaysia, meraka jadi tenaga kerja yang lagi progresif, lagi padu. Pandai speaking. Cepat naik pangkat. Yang lain (termasuk kita barangkali) mula rasa ditindas la, tak adil la, tak “tolong melayu” la.

6. Cakap pasal pandai “speaking”, masa kat sekolah bila kita “speaking” sikit, ada kawan-kawan yang ejek. Kata kita poyo lah, kata kita “kebaratan” sangat lah, kafir lah. Mula lah kene pulau. Yang ejek tu, yang pulau (ehem.. menindas) tu bangsa apa? Ni lah bangsa yang kata maruah terjejas.

7. Dah 58 tahun merdeka. Sebelum tu dah berapa tahun dah bangsa Cina, India, Baba, Melayu dan lain lain hidup bersama. Ni dah masuk abad ke-21 tapi masih ada antara kita yang amatlah jahil dengan budaya bangsa lain. Nak bangsa lain hormat kita, kita kene start hormat dulu.

8. Ni budaya bangsa lain pun kita tak ambik peduli. Sibuk nak bangsa lain ikut dan faham budaya kita jer. Mana boleh macam ni bro. Yang tak sensitif sebenarnya kita. Diorg dah banyak ikut angin kita.

9. Kita dilihat sebagai bangsa yang mengada-ngada sampai bangsa lain takut pulak nak bergurau senda dengan kita. Takut kalau mereka tersilap menyinggung perasaan atau tercakap bende yang yang padahal ok jer tetapi kita mungkin tak pasal-pasal tersinggung entah kenapa.

10. “Suci” dalam debu. Nak sangat org jaga kesucian makanan ko. Sampai ada tampal sticker kat peti sejuk ofis “Halal only”. Padahal takder lah kene sampai macam tu sekali. Yang Hindu relax jer tengok kita layan daging depan diorg. Tapi kalau kawan kita makan babi, geli.. kembang tekak. Babi tu memang lah haram dimakan tapi kenapa sampai takleh tengok lah, nak muntah lah. Drama. Tengok aurat ok pulak. Tak geli kembang tekak ke sebab itu pun haram.

11. Ada gereja bina dekat kawasan Melayu, kecoh jadinya. Salib tu boleh pesong aqidah kita. Pasal aqidah kita nipis sgt. Tak pasal-pasal jadi kes. Pihak gereja pun mengalah. Turunkan salib. Kesian. Kalau kita bina Masjid tapi non-muslim bikin kecoh, mula lah nak jihad konon, kita kene tindas konon. Kan elok kalau relax jer. Dah macam budak kecik yang manja. Org bangsa lain kene pandai amik hati kita. Malu lah.

12. So, apa yang terancam? Sikit-sikit nak gaduh. Sikit-sikit nak jihad. Rasis sgt kenape?

Raja-raja & Sultan: Melayu
Perdana Menteri: Melayu
Timbalan Perdana Menteri: Melayu
Ketua Polis Negara: Melayu
Panglima Angkatan Tentera: Melayu
Apa yang terancam sangat?

UPDATE DISCLAIMER: “it’s about the red shirt rally September 2015. is not a icerd issue”

This is just my view. This is my space.

1. Malaysians who are non-Malaysia and non-Muslim the nor non-the mostly accept with the open heart of the cries azan dawn that bothers their sleep. It’s not pulak they want to make a fuss and get angry What if the church is starting to install the loudspeaker for the people to hear their Sunday sermon? Ooh.. later at we run. Jihad!

2. Friday, we are most great because can park on the side of the road near the mosque because want to pray Friday. Traffic interrupted and traffic ceased. Non-Muslim had to accept it.

3. We want to buy a house, there are “the waiver”. non-Bumi People buy the house of noise even though they are malaysians. What? Special rights of malay people? To Apartheid?

4. Non-Malaysia, the excellent non-the wants to enter the university until bleeding nose, risk, owe ah long because want to pay uni or private college. We are takper because there is UITM LA, there is mara college LA. Them even malaysians. When they are grad, the tax of their work is also we eat.

5. Non-Malaysia Non-earth that mak father sent to private college earlier there was pulak who went abroad, then a lot of lah and many contacts got. When they are grad, come back to Malaysia, they become the energy of work that is more progressive, more solid. Good talk. Hurry up rank. Others (including us maybe) starting to feel oppressed la, unfair la, no “please malay” LA.

6. Say about clever ” home “, time at school when we ” home ” a little bit, there are friends who are teasing. Our word is face, says we are “#(” very lah, infidel lah. Start to get island. The teasing, the island (ahem.. Been) tu what race? This is the nation that says the dignity is affected.

7. Already 58 years merdeka. Before that’s how many years already Chinese race, India, baba, Malay and others live together. This is in the 21th century but there are still among us who are so ignorant with other race culture. Want another race to respect us, we have to start respect first.

8. This is the culture of other races even we don’t take care. Busy nak other races follow and understand our culture jer. Where can be like this bro. The insensitive actually we are. Them has been a lot of follow our wind.

9. We are seen as a nation who is invent until the other race is afraid to be joking with us. Fear if they are wrong to offend or tercakap things that are still ok but we may not be about offended somehow.

10. “Holy” in dust. Want very people take care of the purity of your food. Until There’s a sticker paste in the office fridge “Halal only”. even if you have to have it until that once. The Hindus relax just look at us treat the front meat. But if our friend is eating pig, tingling.. Expand the throat. The Pig is definitely haram eaten but why until I can’t see it, want to vomit lah. Drama. Look at the aurat ok pulak. It’s not tingling to expand the throat to the reason it’s even

11. There is a build church near the malay area, a fuss. The Cross can pesong our at. About at we are so thin. It’s not about being a case. The Church is giving up. Lower the cross. Pity. If we build a mosque but non-Muslims make a fuss, start to Jihad, we have to suppress it. Isn’t it good if you relax. Already like a spoiled little boy. Other races have to be good at taking our hearts. Shame lah.

12. So, what’s threatened? A little bit of a fight. A little bit of Jihad. Racist Sgt Why?

Kings & Sultan: Malay
Prime Minister: Malay
Deputy Prime Minister: Malay
Country Police Chief: Malay
Army Warlord: Malay
What is threatened so much?
