Has Amar Singh completed investigations into this 17-year-old police report?

Since Amar Singh Ishar Singh resents any reference to religious symbols such as turbans, what action has been taken against these police reports of 17 years ago or have the files been closed and stamped NFA?


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Around 17 years ago back in 2001, police reports were lodged regarding articles published by The Sun that were considered insulting to Islam.

(READ MORE HERE: Perhaps The Turbans Of The Mufti Are Too Tight And Not Enough Oxygen Is Getting Into Their Brains)

This was reported by Malaysiakini on 13th March, which said:

Dua rencana dalam akhbar berbahasa Inggeris The Sun yang didakwa “menghina Islam” dilaporkan kepada Jabatan Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan (Jawi) semalam. 

Dalam laporan itu, tulisan sumbangan Akbar Ali itu disifatkan “menghina Islam, mempersendakan ayat suci Al-Quran dan menghina institusi agama Islam” di negara ini.

Niamat mendakwa rencana kedua itu yang mengupas sikap mufti terhadap isu filem Bollywood bulan lalu “dengan jelas dan sengaja menghina dan mempertikaikan syariat Islam.”

Pada perenggan ke-8, tulisan itu menyebutkan: “Perhaps the turbans of the mufti are too tight and therefore not enough oxygen is getting into their brains. They are not thinking straight.”

Since Amar Singh Ishar Singh resents any reference to religious symbols such as turbans, what action has been taken against these police reports of 17 years ago or have the files been closed and stamped NFA?

