Ex-DAP leaders frown on Kit Siang’s RoS remarks

(The Star) – Rather than emotionally hitting out at the Registrar of Societies (RoS), DAP veteran leader Lim Kit Siang should have come up with a full explanation on the party’s central executive committee (CEC) election fiasco, say former DAP leaders.

“He has to justify and explain to the public how this had happened and also answer issues raised by sacked DAP members,” former Teratai assemblyman Jenice Lee said.

She said Lim could have proposed alternatives to the RoS’ orders, rather than dismissing its instructions as “most ridiculous”.

“Tell us your solution and give some proposals for the RoS to consider,” added Lee, who was sacked from DAP in 2013 for trying to contest as an independent in the 2013 general election.

Lee said in view of the latest RoS’ statement, her sacking could be declared “null and void”.

“This means that they don’t have the right to sack me because the CEC in that year was not valid,” she said.

Former DAP life member Shamsher Singh dismissed Lim’s remarks as a mere emotional outburst.

“It is not a constructive comment. If Lim feels that the RoS’ directive is ridiculous, then he should channel his grievances through the appropriate avenue, and sue the RoS. Go with the law,” he said.

As a leader of a so-called democratic party, he said Lim must ensure that party matters were dealt with transparency and integrity.

“You must ensure people can see that you have done everything by the book, which means you should hold a re-election to sort this matter out once and for all,” he added.


Media Comment by DAP Parliamentary Leader and MP for Gelang Patah Lim Kit Siang on Friday, 7th July 2017:

RoS decision for  fresh DAP CEC election  as DAP CEC election in 2012 and re-election in 2013 not lawful and valid most ridiculous.

The Registrar of Societies (ROS) decision for fresh DAP Central Executive Council (CEC) election as the 2012 CEC election and the 2013 CEC re-election were not lawful and valid is most ridiculous.

The DAP  emergency CEC meeting tomorrow will decide on the party’s next course of action.

The four to five years taken by Registrar of Societies over the issue and the long campaign of demonization with lies, fake news and false information about the DAP,  the DAP CEC election in 2012 and the re-election of 2013 have allowed fake news and false information to take on the appearance of actual truth and  facts. May be this is what is now popularly referred to as  “post-truth” by the propagandists and purveyors of fake news and false information.

In fact, it has led even independent observers to swallow hook, line and sinker to believe in these fake news and false information.

For instance, one independent commentator described the whole  Registrar of Societies (ROS) fiasco as “a ticking time bomb of DAP’s own design” which should have been addressed a long time ago in a transparent manner.

How is  the RoS fiasco  “DAP’s own design”?

All the tall tales  that 865 DAP branches had been discriminated against and that 753 “delegates” victimized and not allowed to take part in the 2012 party elections and 2013 party re-elections were just lies, fake news and false information but they were repeatedly trotted out in the mainstream and social media as if they were gospel truth.

What is even more interesting is that the RoS decision has been  anticipated and reported by a UMNO cybertrooper website three days days ago, in an article which said:

“So, point number one: this is between DAP and its own members and has nothing to do with Umno. It was the DAP members and not Umno that lodged a complaint with the RoS.

“Point number two: all that the RoS asked was for DAP to hold its party election again. And the RoS is talking about a re-election and not a new election. And there is a huge difference between a re-election and a new election.

“A re-election means the same 2,576 delegates who were eligible to attend and vote in the December 2012 party election must be invited to attend the AGM. In December 2012, 753 of the 2,576 eligible delegates were not invited to the AGM, meaning they were barred from the AGM. Further to that, 547 delegates who were not eligible to attend the AGM were allowed into the hall to vote, meaning they were phantom voters or pengundi hantu.

“That is all DAP needs to do. Hold the party election again. Invite the 2,576 eligible delegates to attend the meeting. Do not bar the 753 eligible candidates from attending the meeting. Do not allow the 547 phantom voters or pengundi hantu to attend the meeting and vote.

“What is so difficult with that? Why can’t DAP do a simple thing like that? Once DAP does that and the 20-member CEC gets voted in, they can then hold their first CEC meeting and appoint all their office bearers, the party Secretary General being one of them. And once the new party Secretary General is appointed, he or she can sign the Surat Watikah for all the DAP candidates in the next general election. So that means DAP’s candidates can now use the rocket logo in the general election.”

The same litany of lies, fake news and false information – about the fictional 753 delegates not invited to the 2012 DAP party congress and  547 “phantom delegates” who had voted.

It  is now quite clear in retrospect  that the press secretary to the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Tengku Sariffuddin Tengku Ahmad had prematurely let the cat out of the bag as to what is in store for the DAP in his political exchange with DAP Director of Political Bureau and MP for Kluang, Liew Chin Tong, a week ago.

