Stateless child: The misery that an Indian mother takes to her grave in One Malay-sia
We urge HRP & Hindraf members and all the readers out there to actively seek to find foster parents for Darshini.
By P.Uthayakumar
Darshini now fourteen years old was an orphan. Some ten years ago Darshini was adopted from a government welfare home who had attempted to convert her to Islam. Although both Darshini’s natural parents were born in Malay-sia the UMNO led Malaysian government has denied Darshini her Malaysian citizenship and a Malaysian Identity card with impunity. Her birth certificate has an endorsement that she is not a Malaysian citizen and in direct contravention of Article 14 of the Federal Constitution. (citizenship by operation of Law).
Darshini’s adopted father Mr. Ponnudorai (59) and Mother Madam Kaliaswary since they had adopted Darshini ten years ago has gone to the UMNO National Registration Department (NRD) at least on 15 occasions but the NRD had repetedly denied Darshini her Malaysian citizenship and Identity Card.
Because of her stateless status Darshini was victimised by her school authorities who see her as a soft target. The school denied her entry into the school for the first three months of the year for supposedly “disciplinary” problems.
The family solicited HRP’s help.
After P.Uthayakumar had spoken to the UMNO Education Minister’s special officer for Teachers and students En. Shamsuri Jamil, the school was forced to take her back from the early March 2010 onwards. In April Darshini was again suspended for three days for some “disciplinary” reason Darshini denies.
Darshini’s mother became depressed when Darshini attempted to commit suicide and was hospitalised two weeks ago.
Last Wednesday Darshini, and both her adoptive parents came to see Uthayakumar. He privately advised Darshini that there should be no more problems in school. Uthaykumar was told by Darshini that she had never received counseling by her counseling teacher. Uthaykumar later spoke to the acting headmistress Puan Sharifah and the afternoon supervisor Puan Rohani Mahfuz and said that he had accordingly advised Darshini and that Darshini’s parents would come to see her later in the day.
But upon meeting Puan Sharifah the parents were told to take their daughter to another school. Darshini’s father called Uthayakumar and when Uthaya spoke to Puan Sharifah, she informed him that the parents wanted to take Darshini out of the school. Uthayakumar asked to speak to Darshini’s father who denied this. Uthayakumar again spoke to Puan Sharifah and informed her that he would be writing to the Education Minister shortly asking for the transfer of both this Puan Sharifah and Puan Rohani Mahfuz to another school for continuously victimising Darshini.
Darshini’s mother could not bear the pain and the discrimination this UMNO led Malay-sian government was inflicting on Darshini and her family.
She was depressed and within three days of this event prematurely died at the K.L General Hospital.She passed away on the 24th of April 2010.
Darshini’s father who had worked as a Security guard comes to see us this afternoon (27/4/2010) to relate this sad story. He could not hold back his tears.He says he can no longer afford to take care of Darshini and wants to send her back to a home. All his relatives are poor and cannot affird to take care of Darshini. His application for UMNOs’ Welfare help has been denied because he is not a malay muslim.
When Darshini is sent back to the home, she is highly likely to run away from this home and couls easliy fall into the clutches of vice as so many of them do.
The depressed Darshini’s father having lost his beloved wife and having given up Darshini’s stateless status may himself not live for long.
This true story is just the tip of the iceberg of the pain, suffering and misery of the Indian poor in this prosperous country with the world’s tallest twin towers.. And the saga goes on.
Who takes responsibility for such tragedies in this country. The poor Indians are a dispossessed lot. Does 1Malaysia mean anything in cases like this? No one really cares for the Indian poor. That is the ugly truth.
We urge HRP & Hindraf members and all the readers out there to actively seek to find foster parents for Darshini. Contact, S.Jayathas at 012-6362287 for further details.
And please help by circulating this story.