There’s Jews in Malaysia?
How much information has been leaked/sold/stolen from Bukit Aman, tucked safely in the Hands of Zionists already? Should Malaysia be renamed Zionaysia?
By John Doe
“Sleeping with the Enemy” is leaving many UMNO people Red-Faced.
Israeli reporter ‘stole’ 2200 secret files
This actually opens up a host of questions.
Is this what’s been happening in Malaysia? Does anyone see any similarities at all?
What about the Billions which Mahathir fed to Jewish Banks?
Is Mahathir sleeping with the enemy too?
Who’s he sodomizing right now?
Who is UMNO sodomizing right now?
And how much information has been leaked/sold/stolen from Bukit Aman, tucked safely in the Hands of Zionists already? Should Malaysia be renamed Zionaysia? If Mahathir claimed that the Jews were responsible for the September 11 attacks, was he in effect, referring to Bukit Aman? Does Musa have the IQ to plan such an attack? Does his IQ register more than double digits? Or is his IQ equivalent to his age? Increasing by one digit per year?
It won’t be long then, to hear UMNO change it’s War-Cry to “Ketuanan Zion”, the way things are carrying on. How many of the MOSSAD have infiltrated into Malaysia? How many more will? Who is spying on you Malaysians today?
Pick a “Common Enemy”, UMNO cries!! And yet, they have been proven beyond a shadow of doubt, by admission, that they are actually in cahoots with the “Enemy”!! The brain-dead and the corrupt can continue to vote for UMNO. The rest, will know who to vote for.