‘Cold War’ of Malaysia

The writings are clearly etched deep on the walls of this nation's political makings. There is chaos in the way the country is being led. And each passing day is only compounding the liability-factors even more.

Party politics even within the walls of the ruling government – the Barisan National coalition with UMNO at the helm, is in disarray. The power struggle and re-alignment of forces within UMNO is enough to teach a sophomore that the power struggle is already cutting deeper into the veins of Malaysia's political, economic and social future.
From the former statesman Tun Dr. Mahathir to the premiership-vying DPM — all are driving the wedge deeper into the soul of this nation as Democratic principles are thrown out of the window at all costs.
We have seen this cold war of Malaysia take its toll for far too long. Democratically elected people are indecently disadvantaged from all avenues to fulfill their duty to the rakyat.
Meanwhile, the temperature on the ground keeps rising and we continue to see our bee-line of leaders lose focus in the blurring heat of power struggle amongst party wigs.
It is time we put nation above self. What this country needs right now is leadership not party machinates. What this nation needs as a salvation is not keeping with five decade-traditions but a bold breakthrough.
If ever we want to avert this downhill route of the brewing cold war, it has to be anointing the leader that the citizens are increasingly looking up to. In this regard the massive crowds that gather to hear Anwar Ibrahim — braving rain and bully threats of arrests and detentions, cannot be dismissed or poo-pooed.
It is not for Tun Dr. Mahathir to say who should or should not be the leader of this nation. It is the duty and right of all citizens.
It is not even up to UMNO to dictate who should lead this nation. It is the rakyat who are morally bound to suggest and to be wisely acknowledged by the Ruler.
The time has come for Malaysia to give birth to a new beginning. A new hope. A new determination to build a nation along new and emerging parameters that the world-over is embracing with high speed.
Anyone who prevents, derails, or lambastes such efforts to re-define the nation's future in a changing world must be cursed. For what the nation needs is not party politics and party machinery or keeping with tradition.
What Malaysia needs is leadership. Bold, Smart, Unconventional leadership that is driven by dreams and charisma.
Name one person other than DSAI who can abort this clod war? None! Period.

– J. D. Lovrenciear
