In the eye of the storm
That’s where His Royal Highness the Sultan of Perak is right now. And, in truth, a political storm of his own making.
MB Nizar wanted the state legislative assembly dissolved.
Najib asserted that BN now enjoyed the confidence of the majority in the assembly and they were ready to form a state government.
The Sultan, as he was plainly entitled to under the state constitution, rejected Nizar’s request.
Now what was His Royal Highness to make of Najib’s assertion?
Article 7 of the Perak State Constitution stipulates, amongst others, that “His Royal Highness shall act towards all his subjects and all persons commorant within the state in an impartial manner, governing according to law“.
Respectfully, the constitution of the state does not allow His Royal Highness to take sides or to act outside of the law.
With Nasaruddin back into the BN fold after a 10-day dalliance with PKR, and Jam, Os and Hee out of Pakatan and holding themselves out as independent assemblypersons, both BN and Pakatan were deadlocked at 28 each.
Ah, but Najib had assembled the three new ‘independents’ before His Royal Highness and, so it seems, the latter was able to exact from the three, assertions of support for the mooted BN government of Perak, if His Royal Highness would give his royal blessing for its formation.
Now, did not these same three ‘independents’ make similar assertions to the Crown Prince of Perak in March, last year, only that then it was that they would support the formation of the Pakatan state government?
Were not written undertakings then given by these three to the Crown Prince to support the Pakatan government?
Was His Royal Highness the Sultan now to be comforted by their new undertakings?