Takiyuddin accuses police of cover-up in probe against Azmin Ali over PKNS remarks

A Perikatan Nasional (PN) leader today accused Selangor police chief Datuk Hussein Omar Khan of trying to mask an unlawful investigation against Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali over the latter’s privileged speech.

(MMO) – PN chief whip Datuk Seri Takiyuddin Hassan said the police official’s clarification that Azmin was being investigated under Section 203A of the Penal Code was a cover-up of a notice issued to the Selangor Opposition leader under Section 111 of the Criminal Procedure Code.

“Therefore, PN’s stance is that the actions carried out by the police in submitting a notice under Section 111 of the Criminal Procedure Code goes against the principles of democracy, the Federal Constitution and Selangor State Constitution 1959,” he said in a statement today.

Section 203A of the Penal Code, which pertains to the offence of disclosing information or matters obtained in the course of their duties or in the performance of their functions under any written law. Those convicted face a fine of up to RM1 million or imprisonment for up to a year, or both.

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