Corrupt leaders trying to oust him, says Anwar

It is believed Anwar meant Mahathir, Muhyiddin, Daim and Najib

(NST) – Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim today said he is unfazed if there is a well-funded pact trying to topple him and the unity government.

He said his stern stance against corruption had made many quarters to be unhappy.

“People said I am being too stern against corruption. All my talks were mainly about corruption. Why is that? Because corruption keeps happening,” he said during an event with civil servants in Negri Sembilan today.

“We lost billions of ringgit, yet the culprits got away with it. How can we manage this country if those who have plundered billions of ringgit are free?

“While you (referring to the audience), to get a bonus, you need to clap along and clap hard.

“I cannot lead a country that allows this to happen. If there is a pact consisting of plunderers with billions of ringgit, using money to bring me down, go ahead.

“‘Lawan tetap lawan’ (keep on fighting).”

Anwar also called on civil servants to focus on doing their job well and avoiding corruption.

Not compromising on governance and corruption issues has been a recurring theme in Anwar’s public speeches.

He said such a culture of using public office (to enrich oneself and the family) cannot be tolerated.

