Time is not on your side, Kit Siang tells govt

DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang has agreed with former deputy prime minister Musa Hitam that it is time for action and not mere talk for the Anwar Ibrahim-led unity government.

(FMT) – In a speech at a Chinese New Year event yesterday, Lim said Anwar’s ministers must have the mindset that their tenure could be up at any time, citing the toppling of the Pakatan Harapan (PH) government in 2020.

“Although they may want to serve (as ministers) for five years, they should implement their major proposals in the first six to 12 months,” the former MP said.

He added that Putrajaya must make the upcoming seven-week Parliament meeting that starts next month a “most memorable” sitting in initiating institutional reforms.

With six states going to the polls this year, he said this will be the next major test for Anwar’s government.

“I had always been quite sceptical of talk of an invincible ‘green wave’ in the 15th general election (GE15), but recent political developments seem to have given Perikatan Nasional (PN) a new lease of life.”

Last Friday, Musa told the government that the time to talk about the various issues faced by the country had passed, and that it was now time to take proactive action to solve them.

He also took a dig at economic affairs minister Rafizi Ramli, who told the panel it would take two to three years to tackle Malaysia’s economic problems, saying the public would only give Putrajaya “three to six months”.

“After that, they are not going to be polite with you,” Musa told a forum which was also attended by Rafizi.

