Poll: 95% Of Health Workers Say Malaysia’s Public Health Care System Is In Crisis Now

According to a CodeBlue survey among over 1,600 government doctors, pharmacists, dentists, medical assistants, nurses, and allied health care workers nationwide, more than half are willing to go on strike, while seven in 10 are thinking of quitting.

(CodeBlue) – Government health care professionals in Malaysia nationwide, not just doctors, are reporting high levels of anger and dissatisfaction at the situation in the public health care system.

Even though Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim’s administration appears to treat health as status quo, a whopping 95 per cent of 1,652 respondents in an online CodeBlue poll – held exclusively among government health care workers across every state and federal territory in the country this month – believe that Malaysia’s public health care system is currently in “crisis”.

CodeBlue’s survey, titled “Dissatisfaction Among Health Care Professionals and Workers in Malaysia’s Health Service”, sought to identify if government health care workers were frustrated at work and what kind of workplace issues they faced. Respondents were predominantly Ministry of Health (MOH) staffers.

Disturbingly, 73 per cent of respondents (1,205 people) said they’re thinking about quitting the government health service.

Over half (52 per cent) said they would take part in a strike if one was organised for public health care workers (867 people), while a third (34 per cent) expressed uncertainty about their participation (557 people). Put together, more than 1,400 government health care professionals are either willing to or uncertain about walking out from work.

Only 14 per cent opposed taking industrial action.

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