Mahathir and Muhyiddin are the two biggest thieves in history and should be in jail: Isham Jalil

(Focus Malaysia) – UMNO information chief Datuk Isham Jalil has taken a potshot at two-time premier Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad for incessantly chastising incarcerated former prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

Isham who assumed his new role in June last year went on to suggest that “the ones who should and haven’t gone to jail yet are Dr Mahathir and (Perikatan Nasional chairman Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin)”.

“He (Najib) is still going up and down the court to clear his name from Dr Mahathir’s accusations,” chided Isham in a recent Facebook post in response to Dr Mahathir’s claim that “Najib’s biggest victory is the downfall of the Malay moral”.

“Because Dr Mahathir and Muhyiddin are most likely two biggest penyakau (scammers) in the Malaysian history. Even though Tun said he was supposedly clean, no one believed him. Muhyiddin is the same.”

For context, Isham had previously served at Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) under Najib where he was the special officer to the PM and former director at the Economic Planning Unit.

Prior to that, he worked for Tenaga Nasional Bhd (TNB) for nine years.

Isham went on to accuse Dr Mahathir as the person responsible “in teaching people how to play money politics all this time till it became a systemic disease in this country”.

“Once upon a time, Tun said that Muhyiddin is the richest politician in Malaysia ast he was massively involved in corruption. The fact is that both Dr Mahathir and Muhyiddin are the same.”

He also said if Malaysia wants to move forward, the country must get rid of money politics, which he said is the result of year’s of Dr Mahathir’s scamming in the country’s politics.

He advised Mahathir to behave like an elderly person by cleaning all hatred from his heart to regain the respect of the population. He also warned that Mahathir risk seeing his soul and heart blacked by such hatred for others.

“Dr Mahathir said that he is old, so get rid of all the hatred in your heart so that Dr Mahathir will be respected again like when he first entered politics.

“If not, that hatred will blacken Dr Mahathir’s heart and soul until the end of his life. If this is the end, then this ending is a bad ending. History will see Dr Mahathir as a hater with a rotten heart,” he advised.

He also said that there is still time for Dr Mahathir to change by throwing away the murky sentiments and enlighten his heart with prayers.

Not only did Dr Mahathir pick battles with Najib. Additionally, he has criticised Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and all elected Members of Parliament, claiming that Anwar does not have the ability to govern the nation and that vote-buying was the sole reason for the MPs election.

