Dirty tactics deployed to prevent contest for top Umno posts, says KJ

(FMT) – Former Rembau MP Khairy Jamaluddin has claimed that ‘dirty tactics” are being employed to ensure there is no contest for the top two posts in the upcoming Umno elections.

In a TikTok video, Khairy claimed that a motion at the party’s general assembly to bar a challenge for the president and deputy president’s posts would most likely be “bulldozed” through when it is up for voting this evening.

“In fact, some tags on the chairs of delegates have been removed for the purpose of bringing in ‘imported delegates’ to bulldoze the motion,” he said in the 4-minute clip.

He urged the delegates within the hall not to vote in favour of the motion, adding that they should be given the freedom to elect the party’s top leadership.

“I guarantee that contesting the top two posts will not sow disunity within Umno. Whoever wins will get the party’s mandate to lead it.

“Whoever loses, we will put our differences aside after the party polls. That’s the culture within Umno,” he added.

Khairy also took a dig at Umno deputy president Mohamad Hasan as the no-contest motion was proposed yesterday by a delegate from Negeri Sembilan, in particular, the Rembau division, which is led by the latter.

“Even if you want to bring forth such a motion, do it more discreetly. What happened to you, Mat Hasan?” he said.

Earlier, FMT reported that a Johor Umno leader slammed any move by the party not to contest the president and deputy president’s post at the upcoming party polls.

Iskandar Puteri Umno deputy chief Pandak Ahmad said the party should not give the excuse of “party unity” or “party stability” in wanting to forgo having a contest for the top two posts.

Meanwhile, Bukit Bintang Umno division chief Zainal Abidin Rafique in his speech today warned that the public would view the party negatively if the top posts are not contested.

Sources have also informed FMT that both Pahang and Perak Umno are in support of the motion not to contest the president and deputy president’s post.

Yesterday, Umno Supreme Council member Puad Zarkashi told FMT that Selangor, Penang and Wanita Umno had spoken up in support of the motion.

