Chin Tong lists key points for fair polls if Parliament dissolved today

He pointed out that the governance, procurement and finance investigation committee had found that government contracts were still being dished out after Parliament was dissolved in 2018.

(FMT) – DAP’s election director says this will ensure GE15 will have a legitimate result.

DAP’s election director Liew Chin Tong has listed key points to ensure free and fair elections if Parliament is dissolved today to pave the way for GE15.

Liew said Putrajaya must enter into a “caretaker mode” and cannot make any policy or financial decisions until the next government is formed after the polls.

He pointed out that the governance, procurement and finance investigation committee had found that government contracts were still being dished out after Parliament was dissolved in 2018.

Liew also said all federal, state and local agencies, including the Election Commission (EC), must practise “administrative neutrality” and treat all parties and contesting candidates fairly.

Liew Chin Tong.


“The voting public is watching, and for the victors to emerge from GE15 with legitimacy, no party or candidate should be seen as winning through unfair means,” he said in a statement.

Liew, who is also the Johor DAP chief and Perling assemblyman, said the EC must make postal voting available to Sabahans and Sarawakians residing in the peninsula, a recurrent call made by Pakatan Harapan and electoral reform group Bersih.

He also called for at least two debates to be held involving the prime minister candidates, and for all parties and candidates to be given equal access to media coverage.

Liew urged the EC to hold consultations with political parties to get their views on how GE15 should be held, and to rope in credible organisations to help conduct independent election monitoring.

He said having a “completely fair and free” general election would ensure its outcome was legitimate and acceptable to all Malaysians.

Speculation is rife that Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob could announce the dissolution of Parliament today, after he reportedly met the King yesterday over the matter.
