Hadi will only stir up non-Muslim voter revolt, say analysts

A recent claim blaming corruption on the non-Bumiputera-Muslim community won’t annoy Pakatan Harapan supporters to the extent of punishing the opposition over its political pact with the current government.

(FMT) – Abdul Hadi Awang’s recent claim was consistent with the PAS president’s statements in the past criticising the non-Malay-Muslim community and its political power, James Chin said.

Chin, of the University of Tasmania’s Asia Institute, said if anything PH supporters, especially those of DAP, were angry that the coalition had kept the current administration in power via a memorandum of understanding.

Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob’s administration includes representatives from the Islamic party.

“And PH is so weak that they cannot do anything about Hadi’s statement,” he told FMT.

While several DAP leaders had condemned Hadi, they were in no position to tell Ismail what to do, Chin said when asked if PH could leverage on the MoU to reprimand Hadi.

The MoU, he said, did not include anything about statements made by political leaders.

Hadi had two days ago fingered non-Muslims and non-Bumiputeras as being at the root of corruption and alleged that they formed the “majority of those involved in ruining the country’s politics and economy.”

He also blamed apathy among Malay voters for enabling non-Malays and “liberals” to gain control of the country’s political power in the last general election.

Political scientist Wong Chin Huat said Hadi’s attack on the non-Muslim community would only set non-Muslims against PAS and any party associated with PAS, like Gerakan.

Gerakan and PAS are a part of Perikatan Nasional, along with Bersatu, STAR and Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP).

Wong said the only way PH supporters could punish PAS was to vote in droves at the next national polls. This way PH would be able to win many marginal seats and PAS might do badly in all mixed race areas.

“So, every time Hadi insults the minorities or liberals, PH supporters should thank him for the wake-up call to vote in GE15.

“Scolding Hadi is as meaningless as scolding your alarm clock.”

Chin went on to say that such remarks by Hadi were why the proposal for PH and PAS to join forces by the party’s youth wing to wrest Pahang from BN “won’t succeed”.
