Like rats abandoning sinking ship, more MPs set to flee Bersatu

Zuraida’s departure only the first, more former Umno lawmakers likely to jump ship, suggest analysts

(The Vibes) – Ampang MP Datuk Seri Zuraida Kamaruddin’s exit from Bersatu is merely the tip of the iceberg, which will see more MPs defecting or seeking greener pastures elsewhere, observed political analysts.

Universiti Sains Malaysia’s political scientist Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid told The Vibes that the beginning of the end for Bersatu started when its president, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, was ousted as the prime minister in August of last year.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if more Bersatu members leave as we inch nearer to GE15 (the 15th general election). Most of them, while still carrying the Umno DNA, opportunistically jumped on the anti-Umno bandwagon in the pre-GE14 and immediate post-GE14 era.

“Up till today, even after having produced two prime ministers, Bersatu still lacks a clear long-term vision and is still struggling to find ground among grassroots voters.

“Zuraida’s exit reflects the reality that is hard for Bersatu supporters to swallow: that their party has always been used by ex-leaders of established political parties, chiefly Umno and PKR, as a vehicle to secure a place in the corridors of power.

“Once Bersatu’s hold on the premiership is cut off, that usefulness of Bersatu evaporates into thin air,” explained Fauzi.

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