How a Singaporean venture capitalist fits into MySejahtera
With the data of 32 million Malaysians in the centre of the controversy, it is easy to understand the fixation on the nationality of the individuals in this enterprise.
(The Vibes) – Part of the intricate corporate structure linked to the MySejahtera app involves successful Singaporean venture capitalist Finian Tan, who is also the co-founder and chairman of Entomo (formerly KPISoft).
With the data of 32 million Malaysians in the centre of the controversy, it is easy to understand the fixation on the nationality of the individuals in this enterprise.
Tan became a darling of the international business community when he became one of the first major investors in Baidu, a company that runs one of China’s main internet search engines.
He is also known as founder and chairman of Vickers Ventures Partners, touted to be Southeast Asia’s largest venture capital firm, understood to be managing US$2.5 billion (RM10.5 billion) in net asset value.
As for his role in MySejahtera, his name shows up on news reports given his ties to Entomo, which in 2020 developed the contact-tracing app as part of a corporate social responsibility initiative.
From Singapore to Cayman Islands
Now, Tan appears as a director of Entomo Pte Ltd – Entomo Malaysia’s sole shareholder – but he also holds shares in the Singaporean company via an entity known as V V Pentafond Pte Ltd.
According to Singapore’s Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority, Entomo has 66,774,624 ordinary shares and 20,539,602 preferred shares issued – where V V Pentafond owns 9,375,000 ordinary shares and 5,893,204 preferred shares.