MySejahtera not as useful anymore, says MMA

The Malaysian Medical Association (MMA) says the MySejahtera application is no longer as useful as Malaysia begins transitioning to the endemic phase of Covid-19 from April 1.

(FMT) – In a statement, MMA president Dr Koh Kar Chai acknowledged that contact tracing would have been impossible at the height of the pandemic if not for the app, though it may have “outlived its usefulness”.

“With the large numbers of positive cases within and surrounding us, contact tracing will not be adopted on a wide scale as it will not yield the expected results.

“With high transmissions of Covid-19 in the community, the scanning feature of the MySejahtera app for the purpose of contact tracing is no longer as useful as it was in the earlier phases of the pandemic,” he said.

The MMA’s statement comes amid growing calls for the government to discontinue the use of the MySejahtera application.
