Najib denies saying ‘apa lagi Cina mahu?’, almost a decade later

Former prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak has denied ever saying “apa lagi Cina mahu” after the 2013 general election, almost a decade ago.

(The Vibes) – He said the phrase on the front page of a Malay-language daily was used as a “propaganda tool by DAP” because a photo of his face was also used on the same page.

“I repeat that I have never and will never say those words, which I deem are very insensitive and arrogant. That is simply not me,” he said when delivering the opening keynote at the 2nd Penang International Business and International Summit at Spice Arena today.

It is understood that this is the first time Najib has publicly denied saying the phrase. It was used as a headline of the Utusan Malaysia newspaper in May 2013, which was criticised as provocative and divisive.

It then resulted in a police investigation under Section 4 (1) (c) of the Sedition Act 1948.

Najib then pivoted to tell Penangites to remember Pakatan Harapan’s (PH) “false promises”, especially to abolish toll payment, including those for the Penang Bridge.

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