Push the button: Umno’s Puad urges Bersatu ministers to resign

Bersatu president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin and its members currently in cabinet have been urged to resign from their posts following their disastrous outing at the Johor polls.

(The Vibes) – Taking to Facebook today, Umno Supreme Council member Datuk Mohd Puad Zarkashi questioned whether Muhyiddin and the Bersatu ministers should remain within the present Umno-led government following its open and harsh attacks against Umno and its leaders.

“They (Bersatu) campaigned to the maximum. Bersatu spent big, including preparing buses to ferry voters.

“Do press the ‘button’ if you are honourable. Bangsa Johor did not believe that you were concerned about them,” he said.

Puad’s strong call comes after the Election Commission confirmed BN’s supermajority as the coalition clinched 40 out of 56 seats in the Johor assembly.

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