Low voter turnout will put both PN, Pakatan on the backfoot, says analyst

(The Star) – Lower voter turnout will be bad news for both Perikatan Nasional and Pakatan Harapan if the two coalition plans to beat Barisan Nasional in its own stronghold, says a political analyst.

Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) political analyst Dr Mohd Akbal Abdullah said with only 46% of voters coming out as of 3pm, Barisan was expected to win handsomely.

““Barisan has a very strong core of supporters including voters here where it is unlikely for Perikatan and Pakatan to break such a stronghold.

“We could see a landslide victory for Barisan where they may even surpass 40 seats in Johor.

“The question is which side will be the Opposition in the state. Could it be Perikatan or Pakatan?” he said.

Dr Mohd Akbal however expressed concerns that the lower voter turnout could also represent voters dissatisfaction with the political environment happening in the country.

