Invitation to MACC to meet me (jemputan kepada SPRM untuk jumpa saya)

Or do they want me to fly back to Malaysia to meet them in Putrajaya? Can also. Just buy the return business class plane tickets for two and I will be on their doorstep to answer all the questions they may have. If I can do this for Bukit Aman 20 times over 13 years, I can certainly do it once for MACC.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

(FMT) – The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) is investigating a report that has been lodged regarding a “leaked” investigation paper linked to the 1MDB scandal, says a source in the know.

The investigation paper, known as “Laporan Kes AmBank”, was first published by UK-based blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK) and mentions former Bank Negara Malaysia governor Zeti Akhtar Aziz as well as former federal minister Nor Mohamed Yakcop.

“The MACC has opened an investigation into this matter. The probe is ongoing,” a well-placed source told FMT on condition of anonymity.

The document appears to indicate that Zeti knew and gave consent for RM2.6 billion to be brought into the country via former prime minister Najib Razak’s personal bank account.

The RM2.6 billion deposit – which Najib said was a donation from the Saudi royal family – became the subject of controversy and subsequent action against Najib after Barisan Nasional lost in the last general election. (READ MORE HERE)


I remember some time back when MACC announced it has lodged police reports regarding two leaked investigation papers (the RM2.6 billion Saudi donation to Najib and Lim Guan Eng’s corruption in the Penang undersea tunnel).

MACC did not deny the reports or the contents of these reports. They just wanted the police to investigate how these reports, which are protected under the Official Secrets Act (OSA), came to be in my possession.

In other words, the MACC investigation papers are genuine. And these reports are protected by the OSA. Hence, I have committed a crime being in possession of them. Whether I publish them or not does not matter. The crime is being in possession of these reports, not in publishing them.

Now, MACC is announcing that they are investigating the leaked investigation report regrading Najib’s RM2.6 billion donation (but not regarding Lim Guan Eng’s corruption in the Penang undersea tunnel).

What happened to the earlier police investigation(s)? Is/are that/those investigation(s) completed? And what are the findings? And why does MACC need to conduct further investigations? Are the police investigations not complete (or not completed yet) or not conclusive?

Yes, for the sake of transparency and accountability, MACC needs to offer Malaysians these explanations. They now want to, again, investigate a matter that has already been investigated without telling us what happened to the earlier investigation.

Has the earlier investigation proven that formed Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak did not lie and that Bank Negara and Zeti Akhtar Aziz knew in advance about the RM2.6 billion donation from the Saudis, and had approved it, and had, in fact, herself suggested that the money be put into Najib’s personal bank account and not into Umno’s bank account to avoid complications with the Registrar of Societies and the Elections Commission (SPR)?

This is the crux of the matter. Did Bank Negara and Zeti know of the RM2.6 billion in advance, knew where it came from, approved it, and were the ones who suggested it be put into Najib’s personal bank account and not into Umno’s account?

Umno President Ahmad Zahid Hamidi confirmed in 2015 he made a trip to Riyadh to meet the donor and had personally seen the documents related to the RM2.6 billion donation. Has MACC recorded Zahid’s statement, which in essence will prove that Najib did not steal the RM2.6 billion from 1MDB? I am prepared to be a witness to confirm Zahid confirmed this in a room full of people in a London hotel.

Instead of making police report after police report, and conduct investigation after investigation, why not MACC make a trip to the UK and meet me? Over the last 13 years, PDRM or Bukit Aman has met me many times to record my statement regarding what I revealed in Malaysia Today or regarding documents I published (some which are protected under the OSA).

Bukit Aman met me in Manchester three times. In London seven times (once in the Malaysian High Commission office in the presence of the Malaysian High Commissioner). In Perth, Australia. In the Malaysian Embassy in Jakarta. In Bangkok seven times (once in the Malaysian Embassy in Bangkok). In Singapore.

That’s about 20 times since 2009. And each time it was to record my statement regarding what I wrote or what I revealed in Malaysia Today. Two were cases involving Attorney Generals Abdul Gani Patail and Mohamed Apandi Ali. One case was about Selangor Menteri Besar Amirudin Shari’s sand-mining corruption scandal when Mohamed Azman Ali was the Menteri Besar.

If Bukit Aman can meet me in the UK, Thailand, Indonesia, Australia, and Singapore 20 times over almost 13 years, surely MACC can meet me at least once either in London or in Manchester.

Note that the Malaysian High Commission office is considered Malaysian ‘soil’ — so they can even arrest me if they want. If I dare step on Malaysian soil (which I did before in London, Thailand, and Indonesia) does the MACC not dare to meet me?

Or do they want me to fly back to Malaysia to meet them in Putrajaya? Can also. Just buy the return business class plane tickets for two and I will be on their doorstep to answer all the questions they may have. If I can do this for Bukit Aman 20 times over 13 years, I can certainly do it once for MACC.

