PN formed to fight extremist parties, says Hadi

(FMT) – Perikatan Nasional was formed to prevent the country from being ruled by extremist political parties, PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang said.

Hadi claimed that during Pakatan Harapan’s rule, there were some who had wanted to amend the Federal Constitution.

“While they did not do so, based on their statements, efforts were made to do so,” he told a ceramah.

The Marang MP said that after realising there was such a movement to amend the constitution, several elected representatives including from his party, Umno, Bersatu and others agreed to come together to form the PN government.

Hadi said that such extreme political groups also existed in Melaka.

“So PAS, Bersatu and Gerakan have agreed to contest under the PN banner to reject these extremist parties.

“A change must be made. If the people of Melaka want change, they must choose PN.”

Melaka goes to the polls on Nov 20.

The PN government was formed in March 2020, following the collapse of the PH government when Bersatu pulled out of the coalition.

Muhyiddin Yassin was subsequently appointed the country’s eighth prime minister and his Cabinet comprised representatives from Barisan Nasional and PAS, among others.

Muhyiddin’s government however collapsed 17 months later after Umno retracted support for him as prime minister. Umno has since declared that it will not join forces with Bersatu in the Melaka election and the next general election.

