Will you accept the views of today’s young voters who won’t bow to ‘govt knows best’? Umno Youth chief asks

“Young people do not just want to be spoon fed.  They want to be involved in this national debate because they themselves will inherit this country and the impact of their political choices”

(MMO) – Umno’s Datuk Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki today questioned the readiness of Malaysia’s established political parties in accepting the opinions and active participation of its youths.

The youth wing chief of the country’s biggest political party pointedly included the ruling Umno in his broadside, saying that today’s young generation hold very strong views on how the country should be managed in its politics and economy, the kind of institutional reform Malaysia should undergo, social justice, national identity, civic and political education and more.

“Young people do not just want to be spoon fed.  They want to be involved in this national debate because they themselves will inherit this country and the impact of their political choices,” he said in a statement on Facebook.

He said youths today are very concerned about the country’s economic issues and want a prosperous country as well as dignified jobs.

“They want the issue of sustainability to be emphasised but they also want the economic and social development of the people to be strong.

“What is the best balance political parties can offer them?” he asked

Asyraf also said today’s young Malaysians are very aware of their clout as a collective, that they hold the power to decide which political party will lead the country in the 15th general election.

“Most importantly they know this fact and do not hesitate to maximise the opportunities as much as possible.

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