Survey: One in two Malaysians faced discrimination in schools, ethnic Indians had worst experience

More ethnic Indians in Malaysia felt they suffered from discrimination in the country’s education system compared to other ethnic groups, a recent survey by the Sekolah Semua youth movement has revealed.

(MMO) – The survey — titled “Discrimination in Education Survey” — found that nine in 10 ethnic Indian respondents or 87 per cent said they felt discriminated in schools because of their ethnicity alone, followed by skin colour (69 per cent) and religious beliefs (65 per cent).

Around three-quarters of them pointed to teachers as the source of their experience of discrimination (74 per cent) or their peers (73 per cent).

The survey also found that 54 per cent of ethnic Indian respondents said they suffered verbal discrimination, followed by 40 per cent who said they were denied access to opportunities because of their identity compared to other ethnic groups.

A whopping 92 per cent of the same group of respondents also said no investigation or action took place after reporting their experiences of perceived discrimination to authorities.

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