DAP disappointed with Ismail’s ‘recycled’ Cabinet

Lim Guan Eng says the line-up casts doubt on the prime minister’s commitment to institutional reforms.

(Malaysia Now) – DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng has criticised Ismail Sabri Yaakob’s Cabinet line-up, two days after pledging to work with the government in finding common ground to lower the country’s political temperature.

Lim, the Bagan MP, said the new Cabinet announced by Ismail this morning was nearly identical to that of the previous government.

“The return of the recycled Cabinet of the previously failed Perikatan Nasional government will put into doubt the commitment of the new prime minister not only towards winning the battle against Covid-19 and the economic crisis,” he said.

“It will also raise scrutiny on whether Ismail is genuine about undertaking concrete institutional reforms to protect our democratic and constitutional rights as expressed during the meeting with Pakatan Harapan’s three top leaders two days ago.”

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