PKR unhappy with Muhyiddin’s speech and lodges a report with MACC

(FMT) – PKR Youth has lodged a report with the anti-graft commission on Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin’s speech, stating that yesterday’s televised address has elements of bribery.

In the report to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), Youth chief Akmal Nasir said the speech undermined the laws and credibility of government institutions.

“In his speech, Muhyiddin admitted to no longer having a majority backing from MPs and wooed the opposition with offers,” he said in a statement.

Touching on Article 43 (4) of the constitution, he said the prime minister shall resign from the Cabinet if he no longer has the majority unless at his request the Yang di-Pertuan Agong dissolves the Parliament.

However, Akmal said instead of resigning, the prime minister made “offers in the form of bribery” to all MPs to gain their support so that he could remain in power.

“Therefore, we feel Muhyiddin has committed an offence under Section 21 of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act,” he said.

He said this included offering a bribe to a public officer as an inducement to vote or not to vote in any meetings or to go against any resolution.

“As there are elements of bribery that were made during the live TV address, a report has been submitted to MACC for a probe to be carried out,” he said.

During Muhyiddin’s speech yesterday, he pitched in for bipartisan support for the upcoming confidence motion on Sept 7 at the Dewan Rakyat.

He promised that if he received two-thirds majority, a constitutional amendment Bill to limit the prime minister’s position to just two terms as well as an anti-party hopping Bill would be introduced in Parliament.

