The never-ending “Constitutional Crises” involving the Raja-Raja Melayu (WITH VIDEOS)

This latest “Constitutional Crisis” is the same. Pakatan Harapan is being backed by the United States in its effort to trigger a so-called “regime change”. But that can only happen if the Agong or Istana Negara backs them. Hence the reason for dragging the Agong into this coup to oust Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin and the Perikatan Nasional government.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

There appears to be never-ending “Constitutional Crises” involving the Raja-Raja Melayu. While there may have been a couple of “Constitutional Crises” at Federal level, most of these “Constitutional Crises” occurred at State level, and most times far from the public eye.

The majority of these “Constitutional Crises” were clashes between the Menteri Besar and the State Rulers (Sultans, Raja or Yamtuan Besar). And these either involved the State Rulers demanding the removal of the Menteri Besar or the State Rulers blocking the appointment of the new Menteri Besar.

Even within their own parties, there would be power-struggles and internal fights between “Team A” and “Team B” — not to mention conflicts between the ruling party and the opposition at both Federal and State levels.

In these “Team A” versus “Team B” conflicts within each party — or in the event it is a Ruling Party versus Opposition Party skirmish — they would use the Istana (Palace) to try to win their power-struggle.

What the rakyat do not realise is that both sides of the political divide — Ruling Party as well as Opposition Party — use the Istana in their powerplay. They can bring down the sitting Menteri Besar (or block the appointment of the new Menteri Besar) by instigating (menghasut) the Ruler. Not always are these Menteri Besar from the opposing party. In many cases it can be from their own party.

Using the Istana as a camouflage or front is also a way to perpetuate and hide corruption. The politicians (and in many an occasion it is the Menteri Besar or an EXCO Member) will alienate government land (timber concession, mining land, palm oil land, etc.) to a Chinese businessman and it will be brought to the EXCO meeting for approval.

The EXCO will then be told the alienation of the land/concession to the Chinese businessman is being done on the titah of the Istana, or “ada surat kuning dari Istana”. Once the titah or surat kuning is revealed in the EXCO meeting, there would be no protest or debate. The supposedly titah from the Istana would be approved without question and without delay.

In two cases in Terengganu and Pahang, the Menteri Besar, Istana and Chinese businessmen were business partners in that logging operation (the infamous “Tengku” Yong and “Tengku” Wong of Terengganu and Pahang respectively who hit the front pages of the newspapers in the 1980s).

Terengganu and Pahang are not the only two states implicated in corruption involving the Menteri Besar, Istana and Chinese businessmen. Further to that is the selling of datukships at RM250,000 per piece to Chinese businessmen, which also involve politicians or the Menteri Besar’s office. Every Ruler’s birthday, millions are made for, kononnya, party coffers or tabung party.

This latest “Constitutional Crisis” is the same. Pakatan Harapan is being backed by the United States in its effort to trigger a so-called “regime change”. But that can only happen if the Agong or Istana Negara backs them. Hence the reason for dragging the Agong into this coup to oust Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin and the Perikatan Nasional government.

Basically, the Agong is Pakatan Harapan’s kuda. And Pakatan Harapan’s plant in Istana Negara is advising the Agong on what to do and when to do it. That is the reason for all this chaos or kecoh.

Earlier today, the Agong left for Kuala Lumpur and His Majesty will be back in Kuantan on Thursday. This is because today the government is supposed to fall and tomorrow, or on Wednesday, Anwar Ibrahim is supposed to be sworn in as Prime Minister or PM9.

Will that still happen or has the window to oust Muhyiddin already closed? If it does not happen over the next 48 hours, it is never going to happen. And I am prepared to bet it is never going to happen.

Anyway, not many people realise that the United States is behind the latest “LAWAN” protest, as revealed by the two videos below.

According to the revelation, the US was behind the May 2018 “regime change” where Pakatan Harapan toppled Barisan Nasional. The US objective is to create instability in ASEAN, and countries such as Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, Hong Kong, etc., are being targeted for “regime change”.

Since the Pakatan Harapan government fell on 1st March 2020, the US has been sponsoring various groups to trigger chaos in Malaysia so that Pakatan Harapan can come back to power. That is the reason for the “Kerajaan Pintu Bekalang” and “Kerajaan Gagal” campaigns over the last 17 months.

