PKR main wayang nak tutup kemaluan

Anwar Ibrahim is embarrassed by the outcome of his audience with Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong. Anwar’s announcement after the audience was a massive anti-climax after the PR build-up to the audience — and all Anwar could say was he agreed with His Majesty that the Agong must take the advice of the Prime Minister. Anwar wants to divert the discussion away from his disastrous audience with the Agong by coming out with this wayang press statement. Anwar never fails to play his amateurish games.


10 Jun 2021

KEADILAN mendapat maklum dan menzahirkan kebimbangan tentang khabar yang sedang tersebar bahawa beberapa Ahli Parlimen yang tidak memegang jawatan kepimpinan utama parti mereka sedang berusaha mendapatkan Perakuan Berkanun (Statutory Declaration) bagi meraih sokongan Ahli-Ahli Parlimen untuk mendapatkan jawatan di dalam pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan.

Parti turut difahamkan bahawa Ahli-Ahli Parlimen ini berbuat demikian dengan dakwaan kononnya mereka telah mendapat ‘restu’ Yang Di-Pertuan Agong.

Sebagai sebuah negara yang mengamalkan prinsip raja berperlembagaan kami percaya bahawa dakwaan ‘restu’ ini adalah tidak benar sama sekali dan merupakan satu percubaan jelek untuk mendapatkan habuan bagi kelompok tertentu pada ketika negara berada di dalam krisis.

Parti mengambil pendirian nama DYMM Tuanku tidak patut diguna sebagai helah untuk meraih sokongan Ahli-Ahli Parlimen, apatah lagi apabila sokongan itu tidak menyelesaikan persoalan besar tentang halatuju kepimpinan negara kita pada ketika ini.

Tindakan terdesak kelompok ini wajar ditolak oleh rakyat. Tumpuan sekarang harus ke arah memulihkan ekonomi dan membela rakyat yang cukup terkesan akibat pandemik COVID-19.

Fahmi Fadzil
Pengarah Komunikasi KEADILAN
Ahli Parlimen Lembah Pantai



10 June 2021

KEADILAN is informed and expresses its concern regarding rumours currently circulating that several Members of Parliament who do not hold key leadership positions in their party are attempting to solicit Statutory Declarations (SDs) of support from other Members of Parliament in order to acquire positions in the current Federal Government.

The party is also made to understand that these Members of Parliament are soliciting these SDs with the claim that they have the received the ‘blessings’ of the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong.

As a country that practices the principle of a constitutional monarchy, we believe these claims of receiving the ‘blessings’ of His Majesty are manifestly untrue and a disgusting attempt at securing positions and profits for a small faction at a time of national crisis.

The party holds the position that the name of His Majesty the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong should not be used as a trick to gain the support of other Members of Parliament, what more when that support will do absolutely nothing to resolve the problem of a rudderless leadership which the nation is facing right now.

The desperate act of this group must be wholly rejected by the Rakyat. The focus right now must be towards revitalising the economy and defending the Rakyat who have been so affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Fahmi Fadzil
KEADILAN Communications Director
Member of Parliament for Lembah Pantai
