PKR, DAP and Amanah fight over use of PKR logo in GE15

(FMT) – In defence of a proposal for Pakatan Harapan general election candidates to contest under PKR’s banner, a PKR Youth leader has accused his PH counterparts of being driven by emotion.

PKR Youth national secretary Ahmad Syukri Ab Razak dismissed accusations that use of PKR’s logo would cause splits within the coalition, describing the argument as “shallow”.

He said the opposition of the Amanah and DAP youth wings was emotionally driven instead of being supported by data.

“The proposal by PKR Youth was based on the record in the previous general election (when PH candidates contested under PKR’s logo). In fact, there is no proof to show that the PH logo is better recognised by voters.

“So to say this proposal can split PH is a very shallow accusation when it was PKR’s logo that helped PH win the last elections,” he told FMT.

He said he respected the views of his counterparts in DAP and Amanah, maintaining that the matter raised at the youth wing’s national congress over the weekend was just a proposal, not a final decision.

“Issues like this must be decided by the PH presidential council. But it doesn’t mean that PKR Youth or other parties can’t give proposals,” he said.

The proposal from PKR Youth at the party’s annual congress was quickly shot down by Amanah and DAP’s youth wings, who said it would divide the coalition.

DAP Youth chief Howard Lee also said the PH logo was more suitable as the coalition is now a registered entity unlike in 2018 when registration was pending and only approved 10 days after the election.

DAP organising secretary Loke Siew Fook said an official decision will be made by the presidential council when the time comes.

