Rights group wants freedom to insult Agong

(FMT) – The sedition charges against Iswardy Morni, a PKR member in Sarawak, is evidence of the government’s “utter intolerance” for dissenting opinions, says a rights group.

Article 19 said the authorities must stop criminal proceedings against those who criticise public figures.

“The Sedition Act is fundamentally incompatible with the right to freedom of expression and has no place in a free and democratic society. It will continue to cast a shadow over civic life until it is repealed in its entirety,” its Malaysia programme officer Nalini Elumalai (pic) said in a statement.

Iswardy was charged on May 29 after he made comments during a Facebook livestream on the page “Iswardy Morni Official” that were deemed to be seditious towards the Yang di-Pertuan Agong.

He was remanded for two days to assist in investigations into the allegedly insulting comments and pleaded not guilty in the Kuala Lumpur sessions court yesterday.

The court has set Aug 2 for remention of the case.

