Tajuddin detained by MACC on abuse of power charges

(The Vibes) – Former Prasarana non-executive chairman Datuk Seri Tajuddin Abdul Rahman was detained by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) yesterday on two charges of abuse of power.

It is learnt that the Pasir Salak MP was arrested after he presented himself for questioning at the MACC headquarters here yesterday afternoon but was released on oral bail (jaminan mulut), which is usually accorded to government servants in the evening.

He was, in fact, supposed to have been charged yesterday itself. However, the MACC is still awaiting instructions from the Attorney-General’s Chambers.

It is understood that MACC detained him over the appointment of his son-in-law to Prasarana.

He is being investigated under Section 23 of the MACC Act 2009 which covers the offence of “using office or position for gratification”.

Tajuddin has been previously accused of interfering with Prasarana’s operations and business dealings, where allegations of conflict of interest had surfaced.

MACC had reportedly submitted its investigation papers over alleged power abuse within Prasarana to the AGC in April.

On May 5, MACC chief commissioner Datuk Seri Azam Baki was quoted by The Malaysian Reserve as saying that the anti-graft body was awaiting feedback from the AGC.

He said most of the cases implicate a particular individual, but stopped short of mentioning any names.

The development came following months-long tension between Tajuddin as Prasarana chairman and its former CEO, Muhammad Nizam Alias, whose service was terminated in February.

Tajuddin was sacked as chairman by the Finance Ministry on Wednesday – two days after two light rail transit (LRT) trains collided, injuring 213 passengers.

Calls for his sacking from all quarters were amplified following a disastrous press conference he held on Tuesday, where he seemed to have trivialised the incident.

