Book claiming Christians are enemies of Islam resurfaces online

Evangelism a main factor for apostasy among Muslims, claims former Selangor Islamic Religious Council chairman in controversial publication

(The Vibes) – “Christians are the enemy of Islam who always have malicious intentions and are the bearers of lies.”

The quote above is one of several controversial general conclusions made by the Selangor Islamic Religious Council (Mais) in a book it first published in 2014, which is now circulating again in digital format in various chat groups and social media sites.

Titled Pendedahan Agenda Kristian (Exposing the Christian Agenda), the book, which focuses on evangelistic movements and efforts to Christianise Muslims, had previously courted controversy for its contents many described as skewed.

Now making its rounds again, concerns have been raised over some of the statements and conclusions made by Mais about Christians.

In his foreword, then Mais chairman Datuk Mohamad Adzib Mohd Isa said Muslims in Selangor need to be given exposure and understanding of the Christianisation movement and evangelism, which he described as organised efforts to weaken Islam.

Quoting Quranic verses and hadith (sayings of Prophet Muhammad), Mais said Christians can be concluded to be enemies of Islam, and that they are always attempting to distort facts pertaining to the truth of Islamic teachings.

“Christians will try their best to create resentment among the Muslims,” Mais said in the book.

“Muslims must be stern and careful of Christians, and we must not follow or regard them as our protectors, leaders or guardians.

“If we are oblivious or doubtful of the truth about Islam, then it will be easier to be influenced by the lies of the Christians.”

The Vibes has contacted Mais and has yet to receive its comment on the matter.

A spokesman for Selangor exco Mohd Zawawi Ahmad Mughni was recently quoted by FMT as saying Mais has not received any complaints that the book has caused disharmony among non-Muslims, but that it would be open to review the publication should a report be lodged.

The book also describes evangelism as one of several characteristics of the church sect, but pointed out that existing legislation in Malaysia prohibits such movements over the Muslim community, including forbidding missionaries and followers of other religions to implement any initiative that can confuse Muslims.

Mais went on to say that Christianisation is among the reasons apostasy occurs among Muslims, with Christians being the most active group in trying to convert Malaysians.

It also expressed concerns that the Muslim population in Malaysia would decrease in coming years if this movement is allowed to continue.

“This Christian agenda is a highly cunning organised movement that often operates under the radar. Their latest strategy is supposedly to be friendly with Muslims and at the same time convince them of the need to accept Christian teachings.”

To address the “issue”, Mais said that among other things, the federal government must introduce an apostate act and give greater power to the shariah court to handle cases involving Muslims, while Islamic religious authorities should introduce an enactment to control the propagation of religion.

In its conclusion, Mais says: “We Muslims in Malaysia do not want to be enemies with Christians. Islam teaches us to convey grace to the whole world.

“However, we feel disturbed by the action of Christian evangelists who are trying to cause Muslims to apostatise. We are also uneasy when these groups earnestly fight to defend apostates, and even help them facilitate their apostate affairs,” it said.
