DAP divided by feudal leadership and elitists, says Ronnie Liu

Divisions have arisen in DAP because of feudal leadership and the rise of elitists, said central committee member Ronnie Liu today, voicing disagreement with party senior Lim Kit Siang’s view of external forces creating disunity.

(FMT) – Liu said grassroot members were tired of being treated like “cannon fodder”.

He said the DAP had seen a rise in “elitists” in 2008 who simply enjoyed the hard-earned fruits of the long struggle by grassroot members.

He said the problem was further exacerbated after the 14th general election in 2018 when certain “feudalistic” powers took up Cabinet positions and sidelined long-time leaders.

An example of this, he said, was DAP chairman Tan Kok Wai being given a non-ministerial post as special envoy to China.

“Grassroots were aghast that the Sarawak DAP chief was given a deputy minister post while other junior members were made full ministers. This is total disrespect of the political hierarchy of DAP.

“Even Nga Kor Ming, the state party chairman, was given only a deputy speaker post,” said Liu.

Liu called for the party to return to its core values that had made the party successful in its early years.

“Are DAP leaders fearful of change in the upcoming DAP elections? Why are they so fearful and see a ghost in every shadow they see?”

Earlier today, Lim Kit Siang had claimed that “external forces” were trying to split the DAP and he urged the party to rally behind Pakatan Harapan in facing the next general election.

However, a day earlier, Lim had paid tribute to the DAP as being the most united party, with none of its 42 MPs leaving the party since the 2018 elections.

However, recent events told a “different story” about the DAP’s status, he said, in a reference to internal debates after Liu had stated that the DAP should not become “less Chinese” in the pursuit of its Malaysian dream.

Liu came under severe criticism from Segambut MP Hannah Yeoh two weeks ago, in which she said: “Ronnie does not represent me. Ronnie does not speak for me. The DAP that Ronnie Liu wants is not the DAP which I joined.”
