Probe Hadi over preconceived plan to create political instability, says MP

A DAP MP has urged the police to probe Abdul Hadi Awang over a preconceived plan to create political instability, after the PAS president said the plot to topple the Pakatan Harapan (PH) government had started ever since it won the last elections.

(FMT) – Klang MP Charles Santiago said police were usually quick to investigate any alleged attempt to create political instability, although he did not see the same zeal in probing Hadi over his comments.

Santiago said the change in government in late February last year had led to the stock market going down, investors staying away and the people’s vote being nullified due to the “coup”.

“So why wasn’t Hadi, who seems to know more, called in for questioning?” he asked in a statement today.

He also questioned if the uproar over ratifying the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) was “crafted” by certain individuals as part of toppling the PH administration.

“That incident became explosive and pitted different communities against each other, again creating a tense environment in our multiracial country,” he said.

Earlier this week, Hadi reportedly said the plan to unseat the PH government had been in motion ever since it won the 2018 elections and when ties between PKR, DAP and Amanah had shown signs of weakness.

He also maintained that the Perikatan Nasional government did not come into power in an unconstitutional manner or in violation of democratic principles.

Santiago hit back at Hadi over this, saying the move was a “dismantling of democracy” and trampled on the people’s voting rights.

“We, the elected representatives and the people, deserve to know the truth and, more importantly, the culprits who choreographed the toppling of a democratically-elected government. As such, a police investigation is imminent,” he said.
