At friendly forum, Umno, DAP and PKR men in one voice against Muhyiddin

Leaders from Umno, DAP and PKR appeared to be in agreement with each other during a discussion programme last night, as they questioned the legitimacy of Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin and his advice to the Agong to declare a state of emergency.

(MalaysiaNow) – In the programme streamed online, Kamal Amir, an Umno veteran who was in the Youth exco in the 80s, DAP’s Abdul Aziz Bari and PKR MP Abdullah Sani insisted that parliamentary proceedings must be held throughout the state of emergency so that Muhyiddin can prove he has support as prime minister.

“People say, at the time he advised the Yang di-Pertuan Agong (to declare an emergency), he did not have legitimacy, but his legitimacy cannot be challenged now because there isn’t (parliament),” said Kamal.

“Yes, I agree,” replied Aziz, who is the Perak opposition leader. “The Agong is only bound to listen to advice from a government that is legitimate,” he added.

Aziz is one of three Pakatan Harapan assemblymen who filed a suit challenging Muhyiddin’s decision to advise the Agong to approve the emergency ordinance.

The law lecturer-turned-politician had in October said the Agong’s decision is final, after Sultan Abdullah Sultan Ahmad Shah declined to invoke his powers to declare an emergency when it was first proposed.

Pakatan Harapan (PH) chairman Anwar Ibrahim had urged MPs to write to the Agong to rescind the proclamation, but later said that he was only questioning the advice by Muhyiddin, as well as calling for Parliament to convene.

Another panel member, Kapar MP Abdullah, attacked the government for declaring the movement control order (MCO) under which restrictions were placed on businesses as part of efforts to contain the spread of Covid-19.

“We are actually blocking the process of economic growth. This is why I think the government has failed in its duties and allowed people to suffer with continued lay-offs.

“Today, people are forced to steal, people have no food,” he claimed.

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