Will Umno get cold feet on Wednesday or will the divorce truly happen?

In politics you never burn all your bridges and close all the doors in case you need a Plan B, or you need to go back. Umno, however, has burned all bridges and closed all doors with PPBM and Perikatan Nasional. Hence there is no longer any Plan B, just Plan A. And what is Umno’s Plan A, marriage with DAP, PKR and Amanah?


Raja Petra Kamarudin

The sounds coming out from the Umno camp is precise, concise, clear and there is no confusion about what they are saying.

Umno no longer wants to remain married to Parti Pribumi Bersatu or PPBM. Umno no longer wants to remain in the Perikatan Nasional family. Umno wants Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin to dissolve Parliament by the end of January or else Umno is leaving the Perikatan Nasional government.

Umno says 189 (party president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi says 143) out of its 191 divisions have voted to end the party’s relationship with PPBM and Perikatan Nasional. Other Umno leaders say they prefer to work with DAP, PKR and Amanah than with Umno and PAS. There is even talk of a new Grand Coalition.

Whatever it may be, the bottom line is, Umno wants a divorce from PPBM and wants out of the Perikatan Nasional coalition. It also wants Parliament to be dissolved to make way for GE15 as soon as possible — by March 2021 if the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic permits.

After everything which has been said and done, it is no longer possible for Umno to continue its relationship with PPBM and Perikatan Nasional — meaning with PAS as well, of course.

Once a Muslim utters “I divorce you” three times in unequivocal terms and with no ambiguity, the divorce is complete and final. And Umno has uttered the declaration of divorce more than three times, thus completing the divorce.

No doubt, some will argue that by marrying a “blind Chinese” (Cina buta) Umno can remarry PPBM. Some ulama’, however, say that entering into a Cina buta marriage with intent to divorce makes that marriage null and void and hence tak sah.

Anyway, Cina buta or no Cina buta, it would be a great shame (kemaluan besar) if Umno U-turns on its divorce with PPBM and Perikatan Nasional. After beating its chest, berkokok like a chicken that has just laid an egg, and cakap besar, Umno now cannot U-turn.

If Umno abandons or batal its divorce with PPBM and Perikatan Nasional, it will be a great loss of face. Umno will be seen as a eunuch that talks and threatens but, in the end, dares not follow through on its threats.

Umno has already talak tiga with PPBM and Perikatan Nasional. Like it or not, Umno has no choice but to pack its bags and leave. To remain married to PPBM and to still remain in Perikatan Nasional by 31st January 2021 would damage Umno’s image and reputation that has already been badly damaged anyway.

Umno offers the defence of its principles and maruah as the reason it needs to divorce PPBM and leave Perikatan Nasional. Hence, to be able to defend its principles and maruah, Umno has to complete its divorce with PPBM and exit Perikatan Nasional. If not, Umno will never recover its principles and maruah.

Umno has said too much to turn back now. Umno’s words and actions have taken it beyond the point of no return. It is now either go forward or die. And the way forward for Umno is a divorce from PPBM and Perikatan Nasional.

In politics you never burn all your bridges and close all the doors in case you need a Plan B, or you need to go back. Umno, however, has burned all bridges and closed all doors with PPBM and Perikatan Nasional. Hence there is no longer any Plan B, just Plan A. And what is Umno’s Plan A, marriage with DAP, PKR and Amanah?

