Sabah should NOT be on Philippines passport map

The Sabah state government has asked Wisma Putra to issue a stern warning to the Philippines government over the printing of the Sabah map on Philippine passports.

(Cyber-RT) – Chief Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal said the Philippines ambassador to Malaysia must be summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to explain the matter.

He said Sabahans had been assured of full security and protection when the Federation of Malaysia was formed in 1963 and as such, Wisma Putra must now react strongly as the act was a violation of Sabah’s sovereignty and an unnecessary provocation.

“Sabah is a sovereign state and this has been settled a long time ago,” he said in a statement today, while also calling on Wisma Putra to state its stand firmly.

Yesterday, the media reported the Philippines House Committee on Foreign Affairs had approved a substitute measure which requires the printing of the Philippine map – including its 200-mile exclusive economic zone (EEZ) and Sabah – on Philippine passports.

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